I've tested almost every single paddle available right now and I've compiled a list of the top 5 highest spinning paddles, period. This is NOT just guess work or just another "feel" based post where somebody might be trying to just sell you something or has a website where they're selling paddles and want to push a specific brand on you. I'm just an ordinary dude, who loves pickleball, and wants to share the results that I found.. So without further ado LETS DINK STRAIGHT INTO IT.

So,.. how did I measure these results? I have a high frame rate camera which allows me to slow down my footage extremely slow. I hit and recorded ten legal serves that have to land inside the court, then I go frame by frame and count how many frames it takes for the pickleball to make one full revolution. I can then take that number along with the FPS I shot the video at and plug those numbers into a software that's made for converting this into an accurate RPM result. It's pretty cool. I've done this with countless paddles so far. I've probably spent over... well.. I don't wanna talk about it. A lot of money and honestly just to have fun with experimenting with all this. And so why not share this with you so you can make a better decision when choosing your next paddle?

Ok,.. so lets jump into the numbers.

#5 CRBN 3X 16MM

In 5th place we have the new CRBN 3x 16mm at 1986RPM of spin. I chose the 16mm version of all these paddles because I'm more of a control player and I like the plush feel of 16mm paddles. In general I would say if you're going for the highest spin possible, usually thinner paddles are going to spin more. The 14mm version of this paddle would likely spin a bit more, but it's gonna be a bit more poppy and hard to control for the soft game, and I like a solid happy blend,.. so I go for the 16mm version of most paddles. The CRBN 3x has some really nice power behind it. It's a very firm paddle with a solid sweet spot and the weighting of this paddle at a swing weight of 119 makes it feel like it was made for drives and serves. It's not gonna to be the quickest paddle at the kitchen for hand battles but its also not topping the charts in swing weight and feels pretty balanced overall. Even at the 5th spot on this list if you're a CRBN lover or if you have a CRBN1x or a CRBN2x I think you'd really love the CRBN3x. I have this paddle linked in the description down below and you can use code STSPICKLEBALL to save 10% if you think this is the one for you. It feels like it has an enhanced sweet spot, and I don't know if they've upgraded something but it does feel like it's spinning more than the other models, I guess it could be the shape and the new design, but it feels really good.


Next up on the list in 4th place we have kind of a wild card, it's called the BALLR Pro paddle and it comes in at 2002 RPM in my testing. I'm always buying every paddle I can find and this one honestly just looked cool to me so I snagged one. I try and stay as open minded to any paddle having some cool new tech or a company going above and beyond and this was one of those paddles. The BALLR Pro feels really soft and plush and to me really excels in the control game. It has this contour almost I wanna say braided style grip which feels really nice out of the box, it's one of those paddles you don't need to put a tacky over grip on which is nice. It has a 6 inch handle length which is one of the longest handles I've ever seen in my testing which feels really nice if you're into 2 handed backhands or if you just don't like a claustrophobic feeling on the grip. Also it's the most budget friendly paddle on the list at only $99, and you can use code STSPICKLEBALL to save ten bucks and snag one for $89 which puts this paddle as by far the most spin for the buck on this list. I've really been enjoying playing with this one.

#3 RONBUS R1.16 16MM

Alright at #3 we have the Ronbus R1.16 at 2050 RPM. Ronbus is one of the sort of up and coming companies in the paddle space. This paddle was my first posted paddle review on my channel and I remember back when I was initially testing this paddle prior to doing paddle reviews I was pretty blown away by the spin numbers. This paddle is soft and plush and really excels in the control and soft game just like the BALLR Pro. Honestly side by side the BALLR Pro and the R1.16 feel extremely similar. I think if I had to choose one I would choose the BALLR just from a feel standpoint. I feel like the BALLRs sweet spot is a bit larger than the R1.16 and drives feel a little more aggressive to me off the BALLR Pro's face, but the R1.16 on average did beat out the BALLR pro as far as RPM goes. As far as discount codes go for the Ronbus you can use the same code I used when I bought mine it's 20OFF two zero oh eff eff and that'll give you $20 off this paddle taking it from $120 to $100, and again I have everything linked in the description down below along with.. the.. discount codes.


The top two spots are where things get pretty exciting. I remember not that long ago it seemed like getting a spin number over 1600 was exciting and now we're getting over 2100 which is pretty insane. The things you can do with these new paddles are just so freaking fun. So coming in at #2 is the Ronbus R3 Pulsar. This paddle is one of the most popular paddles in the space right now, for us paddle heads. What I mean by that is marketing wise the Joola Perseus was the most hyped paddle release recently, and I tested that paddle among many other larger brand paddles and the Perseus only averaged 1796 rpm which is extremely low in comparison to what the paddles on this list are averaging. Anyways, I could rant about marketing and these larger brand hyped paddles for hours but let's get back to the point here. I get asked about the R3 Pulsar constantly. I feel like every review I do I have people in the comments asking me to compare it to the R3 Pulsar. This is one of the most plush thermoformed paddles available. If you like a slightly softer paddle that still packs enough punch to rip drives and put away the ball decisively this might be the paddle for you. Again... for this one you can use the same code I used 20OFF two zero oh eff eff and that'll give you $20 off this paddle taking it from $170 to $150, and again I have everything linked in the description down below along with discount codes..


Alright the moment you've been waiting for. The number 1 highest spinning paddle I've ever tested is... the recently released... Volair Forza Mach 1 coming in at a whopping 2168 RPM. The spin on this thing is insanity. The original Mach 1 was one of my favorite paddles when it came out and then the thermoformed craze happened and it kind of got left in the dust. I was one of the first people to receive this new Forza paddle and I tested the RPM immediately and was shocked when my first serve was 2232 RPM. So remember the 2168 RPM this is ranked at is an average of 10 serves, so that first serve at 2232rpm dipped so hard over the net I thought my eyes were literally deceiving me, so I hit another serve and sure enough over and over the Forza was just going nuts on spin. I've aced more times with this paddle than any other paddle which always feels freaking awesome, and yeah honestly I just really love this paddle. Also if you use code STSPICKLEBALL at checkout you can save 10% on the new Forza Mach 1 taking it from $178 to $161 which is an awesome price given that you also actually get a Paddle Headcover, Carbon Eraser to clean the face of your paddle, you get a Replacement Black Grip, Replacement Paddle Neck Band, and a Volair Sticker if you buy a Forza Mach 1. If you wanna see my full review of the new Forza Mach 1 you can click here, and I hope you have a wonderful day I'll see you in the next review PEACE!!

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